The Village on Walnut partners with the City of Oklahoma City to revitalize neighborhoods in the urban core. As part of this partnership, we are proud to utilize Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 to ensure the provision of employment, training, contracting and other economic opportunities to our residents and other low-income persons.
Section 3 programs helps to connect low-income individuals in the Oklahoma City area to employment through projects funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. When new hires are needed on projects, we make every effort to hire low-income residents to the greatest extent feasible.
Pursuant to Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, (as amended 12, U.S.C. 1701u and 24 CFR Part 135), the Oklahoma City Housing Services Redevelopment Corporation (dba: Positively Paseo) is pleased to announce potential employment opportunities for low-income individuals residing within the City of Oklahoma City.
The Village on Walnut, Oklahoma City
New home construction trades including:
If you have work experience in the construction trades listed above, please contact:
Michael Bewely (builder), at [email protected] or Todd Tramba (builder), at [email protected] for further information and an application.